As the summer season has well and truly ended and we head towards winter, many changes happen around us that make life worth living; from the colour changes of the leaves on the trees from vibrant green in summer to rich oranges and reds, to the crispness in the air and the darker evenings, now is the time to enjoy cosy evenings by the fire or at least drinks in a pub with a real fire if you don’t have one!
Halloween is an event that Windsor people take really seriously. In some of the residential streets that surround the town centre, Victorian Houses are often dressed up with all manner of Halloween garb to trick or treat the youngsters that gather each year with the aim of collecting as many sweet, sugary items as possible, often to their parents’ dismay! Many families take part in this annual ritual and children as young as 2 or 3 are often seen amongst the scarier teenage crews with hats and bats and all kinds of weird and wonderful costumes. It’s all done in good faith with the aim of letting children enjoy what has become an event to rival Christmas as 31st October is a date firmly on the British calendar thanks to our American friends who have been celebrating the holiday for decades.
The kids are off school now for a week or two and if that wasn’t enough, the clocks go back this weekend at 2am on Sunday (27th October 2019) so we get an extra hour in bed – although those with young kids might not see the benefit if they are early risers anyway, unless you have them well trained.
Make sure to get out and about through autumn – take a walk along the Long Walk to the Copper Horse Statue and watch the trees shedding their gold leaves. The view of the Castle from the statue is sensational on a clear day – take your camera – and your wellies!
Don’t forget Windsor Theatre and fabulous places like Cliveden House and Savill Gardens where you can easily spend a few hours walking through the grounds admiring the plants.
For a reasonably priced Bed and Breakfast in Windsor, try Alma House – with double rooms from £75 this autumn.